Hear His Voice
Men that waits upon God comes into His presence. And to come into the presence of God is just like going out early of a morning when the dew and the honeysuckles are all sweet.
Message of The Hour Assemblies Kenya [MOHA] is a family of True Christian believers and witnesses of the good News of the lord Jesus Christ based solely on the teachings of the Holy Bible.
The apostle Paul said that the evidence of the Holy Spirit is “Divine Love”. ”By this manner, all men will know you are My disciples,” said Jesus, “ When you have love for one another.
”And we believe that it’s the love of God that sent Jesus Christ to the earth, to die for us all.
Men that waits upon God comes into His presence. And to come into the presence of God is just like going out early of a morning when the dew and the honeysuckles are all sweet.
And then God set some in the church as prophets, some apostles, and some teachers, and some evangelists, and some pastors, all for the perfecting of the church.
“Return. Return.” The Holy Spirit cries, “Return!” I can think of when Jesus looked out over Jerusalem and He wept, He loved it, and they had rejected Him.
We believe that the Blood of Jesus Christ sanctifies this person for the service of the Lord. And that’s, we believe in “sanctification” according to Hebrews 13:12 and 13, “Where Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His Own Blood, suffered without the gates.” And we believe that sanctification is taught in the New Testament, and meant for the believers through the New Testament age, which we are now living.
And in Him is no death. In Him is no sorrow. In Him is no weary. In Him is no sin. In Him is no sickness. In Him is no death. We are in Him! If Satan tries to hand you something, like sickness, just take your Token and apply It. Oh, my! Take your Token and apply It, that you are a purchased product of Jesus Christ. The Token stands that your fare is paid.
A christian is not tossed about.A Christian doesn't run from place to place. A christian resrs.It's all over.It's all finished for tge believrs at Calvary.
You say, “But, Brother Branham, I made a mistake last week, or last month.” I don’t care how many mistakes you make. We’ve all sinned and come short of the glory. If you’re a child of Abraham, you’re ready to recognize that as sin, and come back to God again, and God’s mercy still hangs to you.
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Acts 2:1