
Our Committee

The office of the pastor is to conduct and act upon any program of which he believes to be according to the plan of God, according to the Word of God, for the Branham Tabernacle. He shall assume supreme authority and meet promoting for the spiritual welfare of the church. He shall be head of the associate pastor, the deacon board, the trustee board, and the church body itself. Acting in wisdom to lead God's saints.


The office of deacons, as elected according to the Word of God and the manner of the Branham Tabernacle, is to act as an office of spiritual assistance to the pastors. They are to assist the pastors on all of his spiritual activities. They are given free speech in presenting to the pastors any program or benefits that would bless the general and spiritual welfare of the church


The body of men, shall govern the welfare of the church as a business group. They are elected to protect the church in its financial matters, its business investments, the supervision of its properties, and its expenditures. They shall strongly consider every move of progress, step by step, which involves church funds

Sunday School superintendent

The Sunday School Superintendent is pivotal in ensuring well-organized children's classes. While the duties may seem minor, they involve appointing qualified teachers, coordinating classroom logistics, and ensuring the curriculum aligns with the Word of God.

The Congregation

While the committee, comprising the pastor, deacons, trustees, and the Sunday School superintendent, serves as a leadership team, the congregation forms the foundation and heartbeat of the church community.